Uncle Franco's Birthday Suit

Sometimes young lovers need an older, eccentric uncle to help them find each other!

Sometimes the straightest line between two points is a circular zigzag!

LOGLINE:  A young man’s relatives are determined to reunite their nephew with his teenage love. To succeed, they must overcome a scheming coworker, and his gold-digging sister.

SUMMARY:  When Magdalena, the teenage love of Paulo, visits New York, his aunt and uncles are determined to bring the pair together again.  But Martin, Paolo’s co-worker, implies Magdalena has forgotten Paolo and is now his, Martin’s, lover.  Not true.  Nor is it true that Martin’s sister, Sarah, is pregnant with Paolo’s twins.  Can the aunt and uncles cut through the lies of these formidable opponents and bring Paolo and Magdalena together?

Utah Film Festival wrote of the script:  "Uncle Franco's Birthday Suit" was a fun read. I bet it will also be a hit romantic comedy movie. The nice thing about it is Lynn Elliott didn't just focus on the main couple Pablo and Magdalena, he instills the value of family and how family always look after each other. The story is very entertaining, hilarious, and full of interesting and effective characters. The antagonists are strong, I sincerely hate them, that is how Lynn Elliott effectively and very well made them, they affect me. And of course, I could never forget Uncle Franco, one of my favorite characters of all time. He is a classic, effortlessly hilarious. This story is highly recommended, good for the heart and a good dose of laughter.

“This is funny and the comic sense of how it has been written deserves extra credit. " Beyond the Curve International Film Festival.

"Uncle Franco's Birthday Suit" was a fun read. I bet it will also be a hit romantic comedy movie.  Utah Film Festival

This is funny and the comic sense of how it has been written deserves extra credit. " Beyond the Curve International Film Festival.



LOGLINE:  Paolo’s relatives are determined to reunite their nephew with his teenage love, Magdalena. To succeed, they must overcome a scheming coworker, Martin, and his gold-digging sister, Sarah.


"Uncle Franco's Birthday Suit" was a fun read. I bet it will also be a hit romantic comedy movie.  Utah Film Festival

This is funny and the comic sense of how it has been written deserves extra credit. " Beyond the Curve International Film Festival.

UNCLE FRANCO, with all attention on him tries to explain a critical point:
"Here’s my story.  He go to her room.  He knock on door.  Knock, knock, knock.  He think her in room with him.  But she not her.   She different her.  Meantime, me with her.  Not other her, this her."

-- FINALIST in Houston Comedy Film Festival, 2019

-- FINALIST in Portland Comedy Film Festival, 2019

-- FINALIST in Utah Comedy Film Festival, 2019

-- SEMI-FINALIST in Toronto Comedy Film Festival, 2020

-- OFFICIAL SELECTION, Rome Prisma, 2020

-- OFFICIAL SELECTION Depth of Field International, 2020

-- SEMI-FINALIST, Burning Love Screenplay Contest, 2020

--AWARD WINNER, Mockfest Film Festival, 2020.


--FINALIST, BEST SCREENPLAY, Hollywood South Film Festival, 2020.

--AWARD WINNER, Beyond the Curve International Film Festival, 2020

--OFFICIAL SELECTION, Gold Star,, 2021

--OFFICIAL SELECTION, Austin Comedy,, 2021

--HONORABLE MENTION, The Wiki Screenplay Contest, 2021

--QUARTER FINALIST, Stage 32 Comedy Screenwriting, Contest, 2021.


--AWARD WINNER, BEST FEATURE (comedy), Hollywood on the Tiber, 2021

--OFFICIAL SELECTION, New York Neorealism Cinema Awards, 2021.

--FINALIST, New York Tri-State International Film Festival, 2021.

--OFFICIAL SELECTION, New York Movie Awards, 1/5/22.

--QUARTER FINALIST, Stage 32, 7th Annual Feature Comedy Screenwriting Contest!  1/17/22

--AWARD WINNER, Reykjavik Independent Film Festival, 2/23/22

--AWARD WINNER, Bright International Film Festival, 3/5/22

--QUARTER FINALIST.  8th Annual Stage 32 Feature Comedy Writing, 3/4/22

--OFFICIAL SELECTION, International Manhattan Film Awards, 7/2/22

--QUARTER-FINALIST.  New York Metropolitan Screenwriting Competition.  11/17/22

--FINALIST, EdiPlay, 1/2/23

--FINALIST, Spring Time International  Film Festival, 1/13/23

--FINALIST, Delta International Film Festival, 1/25/23

--AWARD WINNER, Milan Gold Awards, 2/9/23

--AWARD WINNER.  Stingray International Film Festival, 3/1/23.  France.

--AWARD WINNER.  Filmnest International Film Festival, 3/1/23. Usaborder

--OFFICIAL SELECTION.  Five Continents International Festival, 3/31/23

--FINALIST.  Indiefare International Film Festival, 4/13/23

--OFFICIAL SELECTION.  8 & HalFilm Awards (France).  4/17/23

--AWARD WINNER, Crown International Film Festival, 4/26/23

--OFFICIAL SELECTION.  International Gold Awards (New York).  5/4/23

--FINALIST, Clown International Film Festival (Paris) 5/11/23

--AWARD WINNER.  Inca Imperial International Film Festival, (Peru).  5/17/23

--AWARD WINNER.  8 & HalFilm Awards (France).  5/18/23

--QUARTER-FINALIST.  Outstanding Screenplays Feature Competition.  5/21/23

--OFFICIAL SELECTION, The Magic of Cinema (Barcelona), 7/6/23.

--AWARD WINNER.  Frida Film Festival (Paris), 8/26/23

--AWARD WINNER, Script Symphony Award, 9/1/23

--SEMI-FINALIST.  Filmmatic, Comedy Screenplay Awards, Season 6, 9/16/23

--AWARD WINNER.  Big Screen Blast Film Festival, 10/2/23

--AWARD WINNER, Zeal International Film Festival (Paris), 10/8/23.

--AWARD WINNER, San Diego Independent Cinema Awards, 10/22/23

--OFFICIAL SELECTION, Anatolia International Film Festival, 2/9/24

--OFFICIAL SELECTION, Venice Under the Stars, 4/2/24

--QUARTER-FINALIST, Emerging Screenwriters Comedy Competition, 4/17/24

--SEMIFINALIST, Cleveland Arthouse Film Awards, 6/11/24

--OFFICIAL SELECTION, Flight Deck Film Festival (USA), 6/17/24

--AWARD WINNER, Williamsburg International  Film and Music Competition, 9/21/24.

--AWARD WINNER, Best International Feature Script, SAN FRANCISCO Film Lab Awards, 2024, 10/24/24.

--AWARD WINNER, Best Arthouse American Feature Script, Special INDIE Event MIA,

International Audiovisual Market 2024, Rome.  WILD FILMMAKERS AWARDS 2024, 10/28/24.

--AWARD WINNER, Best International Writer and Best Feature Script, British Film Critics Awards 2024, 1/16/25

--OFFICIAL SELECTION, Swedish International Film Festival, 11/7/24

--AWARD WINNER, Muzzle Awards (Iraq), 1/21/25