LOGLINE:  A mysterious young, Irish girl, who refuses to name herself, insists that Aiden O’Brien, a literary agent read her work—both their lives depend on it! Despite Aiden’s repeated attempts to destroy the script, it returns, together with a host of Celtic demons and a sign, in Gaelic, “The Past Does Not Die.”


After teaching a class on Celtic history for OLLI a few years ago, I was asked to consider teaching a class on Celtic legends, monsters, demons, etc.  I balked.  When I talked it over with my wife (a Californian), I explained that coming from the land of the Celts (Wales), I was apprehensive, believing that if you speak the demon’s name, it can enter your life in some way!  Of course, she laughed at that!  

 I checked online with friends from Britain.  “They want me to teach something on Celtic legends and demons.”  Immediately the answers rolled in  “Don’t do that, Lynn!  Name them and you could call them into existence!”  I turned to my wife.  “I told you!”

Anyway, with blessings from the Great Druid himself, I went ahead and taught the class.  

 So, my wife, who enjoys horror (non-slasher) movies then issued me a challenge.  1) You have this terrifying apprehension about naming Celtic demons; 2) you’re teaching a class about Celtic legends, demons, etc.; and, 3) you’re a screenplay writer.  So why not combine all three? 

 And THE SCRIPT, my horror script, which has won a number of national and international awards to date, was born.

Recently I was asked whether, in my screenplay THE SCRIPT, the daughter seeking her father related to a Irish myth.  The answer is yes.  The great Irish warrior, Cu Chulainn, the Hound of Ulster, was sent, when young, to Scotland, to train with the great Celtic warrior queen, Scatach.  One task she set him was to defeat her enemy, Aoife.  He did so and later made love to her.  Then he returned to Ireland where he married Emer.  

 Meantime, Aoife gave birth to Cu Chulainn’s son, Connla.  When of age, Connla was told to seek out his father in Ireland.  A “geas” was placed upon him: fight all men, and never reveal your name.  He battled his father, who didn’t know it was his son, and, as Connla lay dying, he revealed who he was to his father.  And this is the background story to THE SCRIPT.







OFFICIAL SELECTION, Oregon Scream Week Horror Film Festival, 2020

AWARD FOR BEST HORROR SCRIPT, Gold Star Movie Awards, 2020

--OFFICIAL SELECTION. Shockfest, 2020

--FINALIST. Manchester Film Festival, 2021

--SEMI-FINALIST, Filmmatic, Horror Screenplay Awards, 2021.

--FINALIST, The Wiki Screenplay Contest, 2021

--FINALIST, Austin After Dark Film Festival, 2021

--SEMI FINALIST.  Page Turner Screenplays Competition, 2021

--SEMI FINALIST.  ISA Genre Busting Horror/Thriller Screenplays Competition, 2021

--AWARD WINNER. Airflix Film Festival, 12/2/21

--AWARD, Adbhooture Film Festival, 2021

--SEMI-FINALIST.  Washington Film Awards.  1/9/22

--OFFICIAL SELECTION, Toronto Indie Shorts, 1/10/22

--AWARD WINNER, Hollywood Horror Bowl, 1/24/22

--AWARD WINNER.  Washington Film Awards.  1/26/22

--AWARD WINNER, Dublin World Film Festival, 3/10/22

--OFFICIAL SELECTION, LA Indies Magazine, 7/2/22

--SEMI-FINALIST.  Mad Wife Production Fellowship, 7/21/22

--FINALIST, Delta Interntional Film Festival, 7/21/22

--OFFICIAL SELECTION, Your Way International Film Festival (Malta), 7/7/72

--SEMI-FINALIST, Emerging Screenwriters Suspense Screenplay Competition.  10/4/22

--QUARTER-FINALIST.  Filmmatic Horror Screenplay Festival, 2/15/23

--OFFICIAL SELECTION, IndoBali Film Festival, 5/15/23

--AWARD WINNER (Best Screenwriting), Swedish International Film Festival, 5/31/23

-- NOMINEE, Chicago Filmmaker Awards, 6/12/23.

-- AWARD WINNER, Indobali International Film Festival, 7/4/23.

--AWARD WINNER, Frida Film Festival (Paris), 7/4/23

--SEMIFINALIST, Brussels World Film Festival, 7/8/23

--OFFICIAL SELECTION, Pageant Film Festival, 7/7/23

-- AWARD WINNER, Indobali International Film Festival, 7/4/23.

--AWARD WINNER, Frida Film Festival (Paris), 7/4/23

--SEMI-FINALIST, Mad Wife Production Fellowship, 7/21/22

--SEMIFINALIST, Brussels World Film Festival, 7/8/23

--AWARD WINNER, Accolade Global Film Festival (USA), 9/16/23

--AWARD WINNER, Berlin New Wave Film Festival, 9/26/23

--AWARD WINNER, 8& HalFilm Awards (Paris), 10/28/23

--AWARD WINNER, Picture Panaroma International Film Festival, 1/10/24

--FINALIST, Script Symphony Award, 1/26/24

--SEMIFINALIST, MidWest Weird Festival (Australia), 2/9/24

--AWARD WINNER, Stingray International Film Festival, 3/17/24

--advanced to semifinalist, Dublin International Film Awards, 5/31/24

--OFFICIAL SELECTION, Oregon Scream Week Horror Film Festival, 2020

--OFFICIAL SELECTION. Shockfest, 2020.

--OFFICIAL SELECTION, Miami Indie Film Awards, 2021.

--OFFICIAL SELECTION, Toronto Indie Shorts, 1/10/22

--OFFICIAL SELECTION, LA Indies Magazine, 7/2/72

--OFFICIAL SELECTION, Your Way International Film Festival (Malta), 7/7/22

--OFFICIAL SELECTION, Accolade Global Film Competition, 8/23/23

--OFFICIAL SELECTION, Berlin New Wave Festival, 9/18/23

--OFFICIAL SELECTION.  Scriptmatix Genre Screenplay Contest, 10/10/23

--HONORABLE NOMINEE, Nocturna Online Brooklyn Festival, 3/26/24

--AWARD WINNER, London Indie Festival (UK), 4/29/24

--HONORABLE NOMINEE, FilmHaus (Berlin), 6/13/24

--AWARD WINNER, Independent Film Awards (Leeds, UK), 9/23/24

--TOP RATED Unproduced Horror Screenplays, SHORE SCRIPTS, 10/9/24

--AWARD WINNER, Best Feature Screenwriting, Cult Movies International Festival, 10/31/24

--AWARD WINNER, Best Original Screenwriter (Category: International Feature Script), Winners Best Screenwriter of the Year, 2024,11/25/24.

--NOMINEE, Nocturna Online Brooklyn Film Festival, 11/29/24.

--AWARD WINNER, Hidden Universes: IFF Melbourne, 12/1/24

--FINALIST, Script Symphony Award, 1/26/24

--FINALIST, MidWest WeirdFest, 3/9/24

--advanced to semifinalist, Dublin International Film Awards, 5/31/24







--SEMI-FINALIST, Mad Wife Production Fellowship, 7/21/22

--FINALIST, Delta International Film Festival, 7/21/22

LOGLINE:  A literary agent finds himself the central character in a horror script, written by a mysterious young Irish woman who, for reasons unknown, refuses to name herself.



Old woman across the road points her long, crooked staff in direction of the Bog of Allen.

Aiden tries to reenter pub.  Locked.

Headless horsewoman at end of street begins galloping toward him.

He runs.  

Bat-like figure swoops down out of sky and forces him on.

Headless horsewoman shrieks and whips road behind Aiden.  Sparks fly.

Old woman flies on staff over his head.


"The writer has exhibited true wit and cleverness by drawing upon these parallels and has drafted something unique and unexpected within a genre whose biggest pitfall is predictability." (WIKI Screenplay)